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Never worry about money again.
Add an
average $1.5m in net worth
back in your pocket with expert advice from our team of Certified Financial Planners.
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30-day 100% money-back guarantee
With Uprise All-Access, you get:
A personalized money plan
Features a comprehensive look of your finances and actionable recommendations (a fan favorite).
Unbiased advice from an expert
Every plan is curated and all questions answered by a human advisor (CFP®), not a bot!
Message your advisor anytime
Your advisor is here for all your money questions, all year long.
Proactive monitoring + checkins
We'll scan your finances for optimizations throughout the year and check in for updates!
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Feel the confidence of having an expert in your back pocket.
Trusted and loved by thousands
4.8 stars
Product Hunt
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We get to know you
Your questions, goals and current money situation. It all matters!
Your advisor drafts your money plan
It'll include answers to all your questions and actionable recommendations around how to make your money work harder for you!
We'll keep revising
...until we've gotten it just right for you.
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From the ppl who built
Robinhood / Justworks / Facebook
Topics we cover
Credit, debt, emergency savings
Goals and budgeting
Allocation: debt vs cash vs investing, etc
Retirement: how much to save and where
Getting started with investing
Company equity best practices
The best cash accounts and credit cards
Managing side-income taxes
Salary benchmarking
Life insurance, wills, estate planning
Specific investment advice
Like buy AAA, sell BBB, what to do with your RSUs and ESPP
Specific company equity advice
Like whether to exercise, how much to exercise, and when
Trusted by employees at
Built for people who aren’t millionaires (yet 😉)
/ month billed annually
Annual plan + regular check-ins
Human advisor crafting your plan
We’ll revise till it’s right for you
Message your advisor all year
All for $189/year
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/ month billed annually
Everything in Core plus:
Specific investment advice
Specific company equity advice
All for just $289/year
Not available in IL, LA, MA, NH, OR, PA, TX yet.
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Without Uprise
For traditional financial planning from companies like Personal Capital, Morgan Stanley, and Merrill Lynch.
or endless DIY-ing
But TBH, the internet doesn’t get you like we do.
Uprise money back guarantee.
Try us risk-free! If you’re not happy with your purchase, we’ll refund your money.
Frequently asked questions
How are you able to keep prices so low?
How does the money back guarantee work?
Where does the $1.5M net worth number come from?
I live outside the U.S. Can I still qualify for Uprise?